About Climate Warming
Some of the emergency measures for warming mentioned before are not limited to execute in 2022. If the climate does not turn back to normal, these measures have to be on standby at all time. The Northern Hemisphere is in winter while the Southern Hemisphere in summer, and there are still many floods in Southern Hemisphere countries. In addition, the winter is not cold enough in some areas this year. This is good but also bad. For one thing, fewer people may be frozen to death because of the war, but if mountain glaciers fail to accumulate enough snow and ice in the winter, there is a higher possibility of water shortages in the summer due to high temperatures.
The reason why I picked out Arturo Vittori’s water design is: It is an energy-free design. It uses a mesh cloth to capture water condensed by the temperature difference between day and night. Additional energy is not necessary to drive it work. This design is widely applicable and free, and it can come in handy in areas or situations where water is extremely scarce. As for how to solve the problem of water circulation as a whole requires further study by governments and scientists.
Due to the maintenance of some saints, Earth is still stable at the moment. For example, they keep some volcanoes from erupting, or they make earthquakes smaller. Also, they must use energy rings to hold Earth to keep the whole planet from exploding due to the high temperature. Don’t take it for granted that we can still live on Earth. We must do what we are supposed to and undertake the responsibility we are capable of.
Vegan Diet Is a Must
A pair of twins in UK did a diet experiment in 2020. The result of the experiment is very interesting, so I use it for the explanation. A pair of identical twins Hugo (Hugo Turner) and Ross (Ross Turner) did a 12-week human experiment. During these 12 weeks, they consumed the same amount of calories and had the same fitness training. The only difference was that Hugo adopted a pure plant-based diet (vegan) and Ross an omnivorous diet. They wanted to understand through the experiment the effects of vegan and omnivorous diets on the human body.
Hugo adopted a vegan diet and had lower cholesterol levels and body fat percentage. He built a firmer body shape and was more energetic mentally. Overall, Hugo was healthier by adopting a vegan diet. In addition, many news about their experiment ignored a very important point: Hugo’s sexual desire decreased.
Why am I bringing up Hugo’s reduced libido in particular? Because the various desires of Heavenly beings are not as strong as people on Earth. That is to say, a vegan diet (plant-based) make people less attached and obsessive, and more like Heavenly beings. Hugo said that his libido disappeared, but it was actually just lowered.
I describe some Heavens similar to Earth, so that everyone can easily understand. There are men and women in these Heavens. They are immortal and adopt pure plant-based diet. Their desires are not as strong as human beings on Earth, and there is no war between different nations. Some of them have kings and queens, and some are republics. Therefore, the political system is not a criterion to judge a civilization to be advanced or not.
The Middle Way
The Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu said, “五色令人目盲,五音令人耳聾,五味令人口爽,馳騁畋獵令人心發狂,難得之貨令人行妨。是以聖人為腹不為目,故去彼取此。”
This paragraph means: Profusion colors are beautiful to our eyes, but watching too much makes us dizzy and blind. Nice music are pleasant to our ears, but listening too long makes us numb and deaf. Delicious foods are tasty to our tongue, but eating too much makes our taste obtuse. Galloping and hunting are exciting to our minds, but doing these too much makes our minds run wild. Rare treasures are precious, but they make people fall with stealing ideas and behaviors. Thus, Saints live a frugal life. They eat just to cease hunger. They do not ask for too much sensual pleasure, and this is their principle of choice.
In short, the middle way of life is already sufficient for our daily food, clothing, housing and transportation. A sage refrains from doing things that overstimulate sensual desires. This is consistent with the way heavenly beings behave. Of course, this raises concerns of many countries and leaders. For example, “low desire” will cause intense debate. I can pick a few topics to share my opinions with you.
If Everyone Doesn’t Want to Get Married and Have Kids Because of Low Desires, Wouldn’t a Country Be Extinct?
Countries on Earth are facing a transformation problem, not a producing problem. Leaders should consider how to improve the whole national quality rather than encouraging everyone to have children. Now people on Earth live a longer life, the population will only increase by keep encouraging all to have children. Not long ago, UN announced that the world population had reached 8 billion. If you want to use war to reduce the population, you cause a lot of problems. I am not talking nonsense, some dark forces want to do so.
A plant-based diet doesn’t make people completely devoid of libido. There are male, female and families in Heavens similar to Earth. They do not have the pressure to get married and have children. That is why they do not have such a large population as Earth even if they are immortals. They are all multi-talented, but they have their own special expertise. They are very free, but they do not overstep the universal rules. They know what they should and what they should not do.
It is a right direction trying to develop a world like that. Moreover, there is no social issue as abortion is legal or not in their society, because they are low libido. They do not have abortion. They value every soul that joins them. I want to emphasize that this does not mean Heavenly beings are insensitive. On the contrary, their senses are quite sharp, that is why they are contented.
Adopting a vegan diet reduce not just sexual desire, but also other desires, such as greed, anger and ignorance. Hence, many social problems will decrease. In other words, eating meat is an act to aggravating desires, and excessive desires will create various social problems. For example, greed breeds stealing, jealousy breeds conspiracy, and so on.
Animals Eat Other Animals, Why Can’t Human Beings Eat Other Animals?
Plants are also living beings. Is not eating plants massacring plants?
Plants are also living beings. Why is it alright to eat plants but not animals?
I answer these similar questions together. First, human being is higher than animals. Bible Genesis recorded that God created human beings in its own image. This is true. Beings in the high-level universe have similar appearance as us. They have energy bodies and we have material bodies. We cannot see them. Sometimes they can be seen as a ball of light, or people say it is a flame or fire. However, if they restrain their beam of light, they can appear in human form.
Human beings are a level higher does not mean people have souls and animals do not have souls, so we can eat animals. Human beings are higher means people should manage animals. We can do a lot more things than animals because of the structure of human body. This is also why many beings they want to become a human. Besides, Genesis also recorded that God gave human beings vegetables on the ground and fruits on the trees for foods, and God wanted human beings to manage animals. For example, teachers are a level higher than students because they are stronger and know more. Does asking a teacher to manage students mean asking him to eat students?
Of course, various versions of Bible record the opposite. Since the contents differ, you should know there must be errors in translation or transcription, or even deliberately edited by someone. Then, how should people manage animals? We can keep animals as pets, control their birth and etc. As to the wild animals in nature, we do not really need to intervene. Just some simple management like designating nature reserves, and they balance themselves. So, we manage things like the left picture below, not like the right one.
The above explains the original intention of Genesis. Now the answer to the three questions are as follows: Since human beings are higher in structure, people should take care of animals, not eat animals. Animals also have souls. Plants they want animals to come and have their fruits, so that their next generation can grow in other places. You can find someone who can communicate with plants to verify this. In addition, we must elevate our consciousness, not fall downwards. Asking everyone to adopt a vegan diet is to create a Heavenly like world on Earth, not a world of frequent wars and chaos.
Why Should We Have Botanical Meat? Why Not Just Have Real Meat?
I happened to see this question when I was surfing online. They were talking about me, the alien. I said before that I am not an alien. If he/she is not an earthling because his/her soul comes from the universe, then most of people are aliens. We all are from the upper universe in the beginning. The current state of Earth is a result of the fall. We are trying to bring you back. I will tell you the story some other time.
This is a transitional food product for those who want to be vegan but are not yet used to it. Meanwhile, it also has functions of stimulating the economy, providing jobs and diversifying this industry. If we no longer have the addiction symptoms of meat diet (always craving to eat meat), we can just adopt a simple vegan diet and pay attention to take in enough nutrients.
That’s all for this time.