Plan Description

Conflict in Gaza

8. The Metaphysics of Food

8. The Metaphysics of Food

Metaphysical toxins — i.e., the concentrated vibrations of terror, grief, frustration, and desperation permeating these foods — are invisible and...

Actions to Curb Climate Change

Some Things We Are Facing Now

About Climate Change First, about climate change. Apart from the necessary international cooperation, actions to curb the warming crisis do...

1-6 Detonate Virus Bombs

1-6 Detonate Virus Bombs

Raging Viruses The impact of livestock on climate warming has been clearly and thoroughly reported in many studies. Besides the problem of warming, intensive industrial animal farming...

2-4 Extreme Weather

Extreme weather means unexpected, unusual or severe weather phenomenon, which means the weather is at the extremes of the historical...



Deadline One thing to remind everyone: Those who want to return to Heaven must sincerely repent and adopt a vegan...

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