The Current State of World
After we have a general view of the real universe and the law of cause-and-effect, how energy works can be more easily understood. Although human beings have material bodies, our souls are energy bodies. The thoughts and acts of an energy body will form small energy flows. The direction of these energy flows is as predictable as the flow of water to the ocean.
Frankly, I am very sorry to have to talk about this. Humanity is the highest of all races in the material universe, and we have almost the same powers as God. Even if we exist in the form of physical body, we could have lived for a long, long time, hundreds or thousands of years, or even forever as a physical form. Swedenborg described the golden age of humanity, when people could communicate with God and angels and live a very long time. Now we have lost all our abilities, and are driven by various desires, indulging in the pursuit of worldly fame and fortune, never satisfied.
As I mentioned before, saints captured some demons and locked them in hell. However, they have been now released. It is not only those were caught before, but also other beings in hell have come out. They have entered the world through hell paths on Earth, so they are now everywhere. They can come out for two reasons: first, the high Heaven does not want to forgive humans anymore and refuses to help; second, the negative energy created by humanity is so strong that the hell paths are wide open.
How do hell paths open? It is like when we light up one candle in a dark room, darkness becomes smaller. When many candles are lit up, the room becomes bright and darkness disappears. On the other hand, if candle lights go out one by one, the room will become darker and darker. So the point is: we must know which behaviors create light (positive energy) and which behaviors create darkness (negative energy), and then adopt positive behaviors. We don’t have enough lights at the moment, and we don’t have the help of high Heaven.
Message from Heaven
Because we have created too many causes of war, the accumulated karma will soon explode and we will reap the effect of war. This is a message from Heaven: At the end of 2027, a world war will break out. A few years later, the population of the world will be around 2 billion, and in another few years the humanity will be almost extinct, with only a few tens of millions people left. I don’t have more precise information. I only know the reason for such a tragedy is that in addition to nuclear bombs, biochemical weapons may also be used. Moreover, the hell beings will make people crazy and kill indiscriminately.
I would like to tell those dignitaries who are trying to gain profit and status through war: The world war you want to start will not let you to remain in your ruling positions or to make a good fortune, because you too will die in this great war.
The world become like this is not the fault of high Heaven not willing to help. The high Heaven have helped Earth through several crises of destruction, but still not enough people are willing to repent to be good, and they keep wavering. There are disasters all over the world, earthquakes, volcanoes, meteorites, plagues, and so on. We are the ones who cause these events. For example, I have seen the time point 2027 in many military reports, and many places are “preparing for war”. So, we are making the war happen, aren’t we?
Besides, souls are difficult to be rescued if a large number of people die in an instant. Remember what I said about a black hole and the golden energy belt? It takes several holy beings together to pull thousands of people out of hell. It is not able to pull souls out if hundreds of thousands of people die at a time.
The Defending Battle of Humanity
When I intervened in the Russia-Ukraine conflict last year, the war had already begun, and only more drastic measures could be resorted. This time, the war has not yet started, so we are dealing with it in a peaceful way. I am not sure how many people can be saved or whether the war can be reduced or even avoided. I invite all who are willing to create peace and defend humanity to take the following actions.
》Adopt a vegan diet (plant-based diet). Killing creates negative dark energy, whether it is killing people or animals. Many people refuse to believe as it is not within the scope of current science to know, but this is how energy works. If we want to understand energy field, we have to accept that. Thinking that something exists only when it can be seen and touched is no different from superstition. Vegan population is not enough in the world right now, and the force to change future cannot be formed. Therefore, a lot more people have to adopt a vegan diet (plant-based diet), especially in areas where wars may break out. The vegan population has to reach 90% to change the future.
》Pray. To change this future, we need help from all Heavens in the universe. We must pray for Heaven’s forgiveness and save humanity. To amplify this praying power, please all participants pray together for peace every day from 21:00 to 22:00 Hong Kong time. We may hold prayer meetings, peace meditation sessions and so on during this period. We must superimpose the power of Heaven and humanity to make people stronger spiritually and mentally, so that the force of darkness can be weaken or dispelled.
》Envision and Practice. We must envision a peaceful world, a heavenly, noble and beautiful world, and put it into practice through various actions. In Heaven, people live in different regions. People with similar qualities form a community and live together. They have no desire to claim a lot of territory, and everyone visits each other freely. Such a world cannot be achieved by war. Please cultivate more compassion, love and care. Be kind to animals and be kind to each other.
》Keep faith and hope. Even if the war is not successfully avoided, those who practice the above actions can save themselves. Because the motive of wanting Earth and others to be saved is noble, and Heaven will accept such people.
》Please, people from all walks of life do what you can for peace. Please, political leaders of all countries stay rational.
Indicators of an Advanced Country
Since media often talks about “Democracy and Autocracy”, I have to explain it here. These two simple concepts as democracy and autocracy cannot be used to judge whether a country is advanced. The political system has nothing to do with whether a country is advanced. A country is governed by its government. Hence, we can observe whether a country is advanced by governance effectiveness of the government.
World Bank designed six governance indicators and surveyed data from 200 countries around the world to create a global governance indicators website. The six indicators are: Voice and Accountability, Political Stability and Absence of Violence/Terrorism, Government Effectiveness, Regulatory Quality, Rule of Law, and Control of Corruption. Corruption control observes the extent of the public power used by a government for private gain, including how much state resources elites and private profit seekers steal and occupy.
Those interested in knowing how effective their own country’s government is can check out the following website: Worldwide Governance Indicators.
Therefore, no matter what political system is, as long as the leader puts people first and cares about people, then citizens of the country can live and work in peace and happiness under his/her leadership. If we look back at the history of mankind, we can find good and bad leaders showed in all political systems. Therefore, the point is to get a wise and virtuous person with capability to lead our country.
The Crisis in 2023
Another message from Heaven: In November 2023, an accidental nuclear explosion occurred in North Korea. I am not sure if it is a nuclear test failure or a nuclear power plant accident. Nuclear technology is very difficult, and failure happens easily if engineers are not professional enough. This is a friendly reminder: Please the leader of North Korea pay attention to related activities, because you may destroy your own country.
No country should use this message to push or threaten North Korea for anything. First, North Korea has never caused any international trouble after Korean War. Hence, they are a peaceful country in the eyes of Heaven. Secondly, coercion and pressure will make things worse. North Korea may accidentally make this future to happen in self-defense. Please, we all “create peace”. Also, if North Korea is in need, countries have a better relationship with them please help them with their famine problems.
Intimidation with military force cannot create peace. One of the reasons why Russia-Ukraine war cannot stop is that both sides want to intimidate each other with military force. Then the threatened one had to reinforce more for self-defense and intimidated back, and both entered a new wave of battle.
Please, we all make efforts for PEACE.