Tag: Global Warming

1-6 Detonate Virus Bombs

1-6 Detonate Virus Bombs

Raging Viruses The impact of livestock on climate warming has been clearly and thoroughly reported in many studies. Besides the problem of warming, intensive industrial animal farming will greatly increase probability of virus transmitting and mutating among species. The threat of raging viruses to humankind is much more rapid and severe than climate warming. The outbreak of various viruses can cause humans to ...

1-5 The Real Percentage of Emission

1-5 The Real Percentage of Emission

Hundreds of billions of animals are farmed worldwide, and the percentage of GHG emission is only 18?   The widely cited 2006 FAO report, Livestock’s Long Shadow vastly underestimated the GHG emissions of livestock. Environmental experts of World Bank, Robert Goodland and Jeff Anhang pointed that out in their report. ...

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