Cited reports in Diet and Environment for downloading. Keep Updating…
2022_AGU_The Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai Hydration of the Stratosphere
2022_NASA_Tonga Eruption Blasted Unprecedented Amount of Water Into Stratosphere
2021_AGU_Polar Drift in the 1990s Explained by Terrestrial Water Storage Changes
2020_ResearchGate_The Corona Triangle
2020_Imapct of Warming Arctic
2020_Greenland-Point of Noreturn
2020_Nature-Climate Change Article
2020_FAO_2020 STAT
2016_Sea-level rise and wave exposure on Solomon Islands
2019_WMO_The State of Global Climate in 2019
2013_FAO_Tackling Climate Change through Livestock
2013_Antarctica Thickness Datasets
2010_Fishcount UK_Fishcount Study
2009_Worldwatch Magzine
2007_USGS_Abrupt Climate Change
2007_IPCC_AR4 WG2
2007_IPCC_AR4 WG1
2006_FAO_Livestock’s Long Shadow
1969_Ingersoll_The Runaway Greenhouse A History of Water on Venus
1970_De Bergh_The Runaway Greenhouse and the Accumulation of CO2 in the Venus Atmosphere
NOAA_Extreme Events
GFDL_Global Warming and Hurricanes
Nature’s Solution to Climate Change_TC|SC|EN
Research and Data Source Website:
FAOSTAT (Search how many animals slaughtered per year)
NASA Earthobservatory
ITGC (The International Thwaites Glacier Collaboration)
Our World in Data