Months passed. Personally, I don’t want to say anything anymore, but I see people cry and suffer. I am very sorry for that. Since Ukraine and Russia have solved the food transportation problems, maybe you can also figure out how to have a truce like that. You don’t want to talk to each other, find a third party, such as UN to help to reach an agreement. Those who are involved of political issues, carefully take care of what you are dealing with. I have to try some other way to help the world out.
This planet is at the brink of destruction. Climate change, war, viruses, volcano eruptions and all that. As I warned before, the accelerating mode of climate change is already on, I was worrying the coming summer, now we all see what have happened. Extreme high temperature will accompany extreme cold weather, so I also worry this winter. This is because the climate has lost the function of balancing temperature. We all know methane is the main GHG to cause that, but this is estimated under a stable climate model ignored vapor. In other words, the real highest GHG is vapor, much higher than methane.
The accelerating warming effect is when the temperature rises, more vapor in the air; more vapor in the air, the temperature rises even higher. We have even all other GHGs. It keeps enhancing like that till all oceans boiled into vapor, then the planet will be dead like Mars, or Venus if the gravity is strong enough to catch all gases. I don’t have time to finish writing all articles about this, so I reopen the site for your reference to make teaching materials and etc.
Therefore, I really don’t know what are we still warring for? We all die, even way before that because of viruses. Those who are crazy for power, fame, money and etc., what are you going to enjoy at that time? Sand or poisonous air?
Be Vegan, Make Peace, Restore the Ecosystem.
Apparently, those who are in important positions have difficulty to promote vegan diet, so I list some things for all who wants to change and contribute for the survival of the whole humankind:
- Food factories and chefs: Invent vegan products for the market.
- Schools and teachers: Make teaching materials to teach climate change and vegan diet.
- Athletes and nutritionists: Show people how to be vegan and strong at the same time.
- All kinds of leaders: Make promoting vegan diet as your priority mission. Be an example to others.
- Museums, schools and places that can do: Set up permanent exhibition about climate change and vegan diet.
- Farmers: Stop raising animals for food. Grow vegetables or beans.
- Governments and those who are able to: Subsidy for farmers to change, restore forests being burned, and promote the knowledge
- All individuals: learn to be vegan.
There are also other reasons that we should be vegan. I will tell you some other time. By the way, I mentioned before to Invent new energy tech, but this takes time. We still can use petroleum and gas as long as we change our way of life and the ecosystem is restored. Then we will have a lot better stuff in the future. If we can survive and have a future.
— Written on Aug 5, 2022 —